17/10/2017 Real life drawing and first feedback

In this fourth lesson we had a model posing for us. Our task was not just to try to draw Richard (the model) in the most realistic way possible. but to frame him and and concerntrate on what we wold like to communicate with our drawing, deciding wether to include or not some particulars in the frame. 
Then we had to make a story drawing many frames of him doing different things, having different poses.

I found this exercise very useful as it wasn't the classic real life drawing class that I did a thousand times in high school, it really made you think what to draw in order to communicate certain concepts.

Here my sketches:

I didn't have a lot of time to draw unfortunately, because I have been busy getting the feedback about my comic. 

Here the first draft and one frame in particular:

It was very interesting for me to recieve the feedback not just from Alexandra but from my classmates, and also to see their work too.
They gave me great ideas for my comic. Unfortunately I made a long narrative theat I will need to cut as it is too complicate. I will also need to make my frames more symbolic and comminicative. 

At least I have the media, it's going to be pencils and coloured pencils. I will need to make a huge work but I'm quite exited about it.



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